Urban style


Now that our planet earth eventually started to send us back the energy we have given last decades in the way of a pandemic I have started to think how it will be possible to revert this situation and if we are really on time to do it...

Of course these thoughts are just concerns as there are specialists and doctors researching about these matters.  I don´t know if I am naive or not but I just want to believe that the digitalization will change us to an improvement point that will break in a new and brighter future for all of us.

Honestly at this point I can´t trust politicians or governments anymore, I am not sure any of them are thinking in us, or capable to think somehow to benefit the population and not themselves and their own interests. I see as everyone is playing its games of ego, power and popularity on the media. With this pandemic and the show of the vaccine more even. There is only one god in the society we have built, it´s called money. Without money you can´t do much, you are no one. And I can tell this very clear, as I have passed through a long transformation process last few years in which have had stages of all types of economy.

Unfortunately we have to play the game of the world where we are living to survive. And the best I have heard since I am an Herbalife INDEPENDANT distributor is this: "Money is not bad. It´s just a tool. With Money the GOOD person does GOOD things, and the BAD person does BAD things. With Money the SMART person does SMART things, the FOOL does FOOLISH things". This view is completely honest and brilliant as it is this company.

I know which one is my plan if I am ever a millionaire, as I am already feel rich as a human being, I am full of abundance around, nature, the sun, our friends, arts, food, our family, my best, travelling and the most valuable, our time.

Talking about time. Which one is your plan for your future?,  Have you ever dreamt of a better future?, Have you dreamt of having more time for your family or less stress or even with moving to another job?, the world changes with your example not with your thoughts or your opinion. So, if you feel aligned with these ideas, I am here to support you to build a brighter, better and more sustainable future.

I am here to support you in that trip. I will be please that you chooses me for that purpose.


Follow me at Instagram @martinyca