Walks & Meditation


When I go for a walk, if it's in the city, I like to admire the beauty of monuments and not only this, I like to see people faces, breathing quietly while walking and then sitting at a terrace and having a coffee breathing fresh air, and reading a good book. 

If the walk is by the countryside, then I love to walk and sit under a tree doing a small meditation with our Mother Nature. 

I am an active contributor with nature, at the moment I am collaborating with a group of women on a Project called SIX to support Spanish NGO "Reforesta".

If you would like to collaborate with them, you can check their website www.reforesta.es and give your small contribution to improve environment. It's urgent as we all now and there are many theories supporting than reforest massively the planet could be a solution for our future.

Take this in consideration

"First we should educate human being in their relation with other human being, then we should educate human being in their relation with nature and animals"

It's up to all of us!, so, I invite you to take action urgently.